Celebrating Thanksgiving with Our Coworkers
These days more and more people celebrate "Friendsgiving," a special, second Thanksgiving dinner or get together separate from the main...

How to Help When Your Spouse is Addicted
No matter who is involved, dealing with opiate addiction (or any addiction for that matter) is difficult and strains even the strongest...

Decorating Pumpkins at Group Therapy
The staff and clients of BornFree Wellness Center get a lot out of group therapy sessions-- it's a chance for everyone to come together...

1st Annual Company Picnic
Our first company picnic was a resounding success! We had a wonderful time with our coworkers and their families celebrating life and...

BornFree Wellness Center Earns Three-Year CARF Accreditation
GERMANTOWN, MD — 9/28/2018 — CARF International announced that BornFree Wellness Centers of America has been accredited for a period of...

Responsible Use of Opiate Medication
In recent years, the prescription of opioid medication has come under close scrutiny. As revealed by the CDC and recently shared by us on...

Upcoming CARF Survey
A survey team from CARF International (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) will be visiting BornFree Wellness...

What Are the Long Term Effects of Opiate Addiction?
It is estimated that Americans consume about 80% of the world’s supply of opiates. Shocking as that may be, abuse of prescription opiates...

Dealing With Setbacks in Addiction Recovery
Substance abuse is a global problem. It is an affliction that has claimed many victims. Addiction recovery is a lengthy process that...

Maryland Dedicates $40 Million to Battle Heroin and Opioid Addiction
Maryland’s Opioid Operational Command Center, the Maryland Department of Health, and the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention...