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Finding Hobbies to Distract You

Often when dealing with stress it is a good idea to put your energy towards something that you genuinely enjoy. Earlier, we mentioned that you should have 3 different types of hobbies; one that keeps you creative, another that keeps you fit and lastly, one that that has the potential to make you money. This is a great step towards addiction recovery and maintaining sobriety. After being dependant on drugs and dealing with addiction, being able to occupy the mind with things you are passionate about allows you to create a pathway to a life of fulfilment without an addiction.

Being able to distract yourself with something that brings you entertainment as well as gives you an outlet is often what we need to help ourselves control stress. These three different types of hobbies are a way to keep your life well rounded and allow you to discover what you truly enjoy. The great thing about finding hobbies is that there is no hard and fast rule, you have the ability to decide what you like based on nothing except the happiness you are receiving from it.

But finding the thing that creates a driving passion can be a daunting task. Where do you even start? Here's how- take it back to the days where life was a little less stressful. What did you love to do as a child? Ask yourself what made you genuinely happy when you were a child and try that all over again. You probably still love the same things that you did as a kid.

Try several different activities until one sticks and makes you excited to do it more often. Then when you find this hobby you can expand into activities that keeps you fit and one that has the potential to make you money. The idea is to occupy yourself with what you love and exerts another side of you for you to be your best. This can be a great way to deal with drug addiction, and moving your life forward by making yourself busy with things you are genuinely passionate about.

To back it up with science, Robert Root-Bernstein a professor of physiology conducted an experiment with 40 men, and found that those who participated in hobbies that pertained with visual thinking, also known as imagining were particularly positively affected. This included the myriad of opportunities within arts/music . There was also a lot of evidence that having hobbies within arts/music led to protecting against dementia as well as aging in general.

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